How I Got Rid of My Acne

During my school days, I noticed acne on my face. Like every other girl, I have tried so many ways to get rid of acne. But unfortunately, I didn’t get any success until I was in my 30s. I wouldn’t say that I didn’t get any results at all. Sometimes they go away for a small period but they never go away permanently.   

I know this could sound a little bit silly. I tried almost every cream and wash that claims they can remove acne from my skin. But the result was the same every time for me. 

I tried some acne removal cream on my face. But I was not getting the result that I expected. One day I found liquid face masks and some special stickers for acne on the internet. So I thought I should give it a try.

I started using sunscreen in the morning and night cream before sleep but my skin stayed like it was before.

Then I realized it might be the food I eat. If I can’t I treat it at that level and can’t change my food habit. it will keep coming back. From my experience, I was assured that there is no miracle product anywhere that can make this acne go away permanently.

As a first step, I decided to cut out sugar from my food list. Before that, I was a sweet lover but I tried to convince myself that if I needed acne to go away completely from my skin, I had to stop eating sweets.

Avoiding sugar and sweets was not enough for me, I also started avoiding foods like pasta and rice at the same time. 

I always kept fruit around for when I wanted something sweet. I also ate dark chocolate, just one piece a day.

I found that eating more healthy fats, like butter on vegetables and heavy cream in coffee, helped me feel full and not crave sugar. I even made my ice cream without sugar. At first, it was hard to stop eating sugar, but after a while, I didn’t want it anymore.

Cutting out sugar helped, but I still had some pimples. So, I went to a skin doctor and got special creams. But it made me too sensitive to the sun. I still get a few pimples sometimes, but not like before. It also helped keep my skin looking young.

Hydrating my skin was important too. I have oily skin and used to get pimples on my jaw and cheeks. An esthetician told me to use a hydrating toner, gel, and moisturizer. This kept my skin happy.

I also stopped resting my face on my hands. I used to get pimples where I touched my face a lot. Washing my hands often helped too.

Avoiding certain foods also helped. Dairy products made my jawline pimples worse. I found this out by cutting out different foods and seeing what happened. Birth control helped clear up the rest of my pimples.

I tried few online dermatology services. They sent me products after I sent them pictures of my skin. They helped with my hormonal acne.

I also drank tea to help my body process hormones better. Taking some supplements helped balance my hormones too.

In the end, my clear skin came from eating better, using the right creams, staying hydrated, being gentle with my skin, and avoiding things that made my acne worse. It took time, but it was worth it!