Taking Care of My Hair With Aloe Vera

I hear a lot about using aloe vera for hair care, and I decided to give it a go and see what all the fuss is about. Here’s what I do and what I learn along the way.

At first, I’m not sure which type of aloe vera to use, so I start with fresh aloe gel straight from the plant. I mix it with a bit of glycerin and use it as a hair mask before shampooing. I usually leave it in for about 30-35 minutes and then wash it off. The first time I try this, I notice my hair feels much softer and more manageable. My curly hair, which tends to be very dry, seems to love this mixture.

Later, I also try store-bought aloe vera gel. I hear that Vilvah makes a good one, so I give it a shot. It works well, but I find that I prefer the fresh gel. To get the mixture right, I use about two drops of glycerin for every tablespoon of aloe gel. I just eyeball it and it works perfectly fine.

One thing I learned quickly is not to apply this mixture to my scalp. After trying for some time I started noticing dandruffs on my hair. Although I had dandruff it was not that much. So I decided to use it only on my hair, not on my scalp.

Another method I experiment with is mixing aloe vera gel with vitamin E capsules. I apply this mixture to my scalp, sometimes leaving it overnight before washing it out the next day. This makes my hair feel incredibly soft, though I’m not regular enough to notice any changes in hair fall or growth.

For daily use, I start applying natural aloe gel to my wet hair right after showering. It helps set my hair like a gel and doesn’t cause any issues. I even use it on my face without any problems.

When styling my wavy hair, I find that aloe vera works wonders as a hydrating ingredient. After washing my hair, I let it dry in a towel. I notice that brushing my hair when it is wet causes more hair fall, so I avoid that. Once my hair is almost dry, I rehydrate it with aloe vera gel, then apply my leave-in conditioner and styling product. Letting it air dry with a bit of help from a standing fan results in softer, shinier hair.

I also try a more elaborate mixture. I read about blending onion, banana or curd, oil, and aloe vera gel. I apply this concoction to my hair and wash it out after two hours. My hair feels super soft afterward. I use store-bought aloe gel for this, but fresh gel works just as well.

To enhance my curls, I make a gel using flax seeds and fresh aloe. After shampooing, I apply this mixture and scrunch my hair. This gives me the softest curls. Preparing fresh aloe correctly is important; I let the leaf sit for 10-20 minutes to drain the yellow liquid before extracting the gel.

Using aloe vera consistently over time is a game-changer for my hair. My curls are more defined and my hair feels moisturized and soft. It used to be a struggle to grow my hair past my shoulders, but now it’s halfway down my back.

I also try using aloe vera before shampooing. After cutting the aloe leaf, I let it sit for 20 minutes before applying it to my hair and face. Leaving it in for about an hour leaves my hair feeling soft and shiny. However, I discovered I am allergic to it, so I recommend doing a patch test first.

For those with low porosity hair or scalp, mixing aloe vera with coconut oil or other oils might prevent frizz and damage. I learn that applying it twice a week for 45 minutes before showering works well. Mixing it with oils like olive oil or tea tree oil also helps.

Another tip:

I find it helpful is mist my hair with distilled water twice a day to naturally moisturize the scalp and reduce frizziness. Using a new shower head with a water filter and patting dry with a cotton shirt post-shower also helps avoid hair breakage.

Finally, I use aloe vera gel as a styling gel for my wavy hair. It helps my waves clump together nicely, especially in the summer. While it doesn’t add thickness, hydration, or volume, it is very hydrating on my skin. I find it best to wipe it off before it dries completely to avoid any tight or drying feeling.