Making Myself Relaxed

Hi everyone,

I’m a 33-year-old woman, married with two kids (which you’d think would make me more relaxed, right?). But the truth is, I never seem to relax. Even when my husband was away this weekend, I spent the entire time organizing, cleaning, and rearranging the apartment. I guess I’m just naturally Type A. I do enjoy homemaking activities like cooking and cleaning, but relaxing? That’s a different story.

  • I’m big into audiobooks. I listen while I’m busy, then wind down with tea and kitties in bed, enjoying a good story.
  • Naps are my go-to. Every lunch break is nap time for me. On weekends, I’ll stretch that out to a good two hours.
  • Friday nights are for edibles. They help me really unwind after a hectic week. I catch up on shows and podcasts, enjoying the solitude.
  • Life changed when we installed a hot tub in our backyard. Pure bliss.
  • Watching TV with my cat and some popcorn or wine—perfect evening.

I’m a busy bee, just like you. I clean, organize, and do side projects on weekends. But I’ve learned to give myself a couple of hours for relaxation. That makes all the difference. You don’t have to relax the whole day.

I love exploring new places with walks, puzzles, crosswords, baking, and old-school video games. Sometimes, cannabis joins in.

Exercise is key for me. Running and weightlifting give my brain a break from its constant chatter. It’s my sanity break.

Gardening, riding my Onewheel, painting, and training my dog keeps me grounded. I enjoy simpler pleasures too—reading, phone games, crossword puzzles, crocheting, and binge-watching Netflix.

  • My routine includes walking/running my dog, attending a knitting group, gardening, and cycling through wooded trails.
  • Silent meditation has been a game-changer. Just sitting quietly helps reset my mind and notice things I’ve been too busy to see.
  • Two books really helped me: “4000 Weeks” by Oliver Burkeman shifted my perspective from constant busyness to enjoying life, and “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker made me prioritize sleep for better mental health.

Sound baths are my forced meditation. Ninety minutes of soothing sounds help me zone out. I doodle, draw poorly (but enjoy it!), collect and build Legos, and journal with doodles. Early mornings at the gym kickstart my day. Evenings are my relaxation time. I shower, slip into comfy clothes, and indulge in Netflix or a good book.

Putting my phone away makes everything more relaxing. Without mindless scrolling, everything feels calmer. Active hobbies like walking, running, biking, and yoga tire me out in a good way. They help me calm down. Finding a good book or engaging hobby keeps my mind occupied.

I love watching movies and TV shows but usually pair them with coloring, cross-stitching, or updating my bullet journal. Video games are my thing, especially Sims 4 and Stardew Valley. Puzzles with audiobooks or podcasts are my relaxation combo. Board games and Magic: The Gathering are my go-to’s, alone or with my fiancé. Avoid doom-scrolling on social media. It’s not worth the stress.

Reading romance novels, playing games, and watching TV reruns help me unwind from work and studies. Reading and yoga are my go-to relaxation activities. I’m not great at lounging around, so I stick to routines that work for me. I enjoy a bubble bath occasionally, but I’m out after an hour—unless I’ve taken an edible, then it’s longer bath time with a show.

That’s about as much relaxation as I can handle! I like staying busy and active. Seeing a therapist might help you clear your mind and ease some pressure. It’s okay to prioritize self-care over constant productivity. My great-grandmother taught me the peace in creativity. I paint, design gardens and furniture, and edit friends’ books.

I’m also into more active hobbies like jiu-jitsu, fencing, and archery/shooting. Plus, I sponsor a horse and give lessons. Starting small, like with a leisurely walk, can lead to peaceful moments every day. I put my phone away to read or take aimless walks, sculpt with clay, sip wine in the sun, or relax in the sauna. I love hiking tough trails, listening to podcasts, and feeling too tired afterward to do much else.

Relaxation comes in different forms. If you’re always productive, maybe it’s time to explore what’s causing that anxiety. It could be loneliness, unresolved trauma, or just societal pressure. Learning to rest and reflect can prevent burnout.

Remember, you’re not a machine. Relaxation isn’t laziness—it’s essential for your well-being. Embrace those moments of simple existence.

Take care of yourself 💗